
totally tuesday (thoughts from a scatterbrain)

Do you ever think where you would be if you would have made different choices in life, or if other people's decisions would not have affected you?
I do... quite often, not that I like to dwell on things that are not real, or that are untrue. But sometimes I get so wrapped up in others' decisions that I almost let my own life pass me by!

I am sick of living a life that I am not living!

As some of you may know, and others not, I am a journaler... not journalist.
I write in my journal usually once a day, sometimes more.
If it wasn't for these small books of memories, I think I would have completely transferred over into a reality world, separate from my own...

So, last night as I sat journaling, I flipped back in my journal and read some of my entries as an anticipating bride, longing for my wedding day... then I looked at the page I was writing on, a single girl, unmarried....

The hurts in our lives cut so deep sometimes they seem impossible to forget and move past. Especially when we are constantly faced with our feelings and emotions...

**there is a positive note to all my rambling, just let me get there**

I finished talking about my day, and things that are happening in my life right now, then I heard God's voice, and I flipped to the back of my journal and started writing:
I am a child of God! Perfect in HIS sight and capable of all things through HIS Son! In HIM I find my strength and my identity! With HIS perfect love I have no fear, and HIS grace is enough for me! HIS mercies are new every morning!

How profound... these things that I've heard all my life, becoming truth in my heart and mind!

I pray that these words of truth would be imbeded in all of your hearts and minds as well, and that you would remember that you are a child of the KING! and HE loves you so much! (and so do I) :D


kristen said...

good words... but by the way... it's only tuesday. haha. anyways, can't wait for our date too! it'll be great! so, coffee or supper? what'll it be?

Roo said...

i like your heart katherine.

Anonymous said...

Dear Daughter,
Your hurts are mine too.
I love you and am so happy that you turn to Him for your comfort.
He does love you so much and only through his help will you emerge stronger. I'm so proud of you!
Mom xoxoox