
This is the beginning

Well, this is me... here on my new blog...
I know that I do already have a myspace... but I just use that for networking... this is a place where I can share my thoughts, prayers and dreams in a safe environment...

So, right now I am too tired to post anything of great or grand importance to my life... but...

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out... EEK!!
should be a good time, I'll keep you posted on the consult and the whole proceedure...

God bless


Roo said...

welcome to blog land sister dear.

looking forward to checking up on you. you looked lovely this morning.....

love you. xo

dodo said...

What happened with the wisdom teeth? did it go smoothly? do you still have a sad puffy face?

It's a opretty gruesome experience. If I've found your blog sooner (i just clicked through red rollerskates comment section) i'd have given you my top tip, which is to take arnica tablets for a week before hand - it really helps with the bruising